Travel Blog
motorhome travel blog, motorhome-travels.net
Mostly in our lovely "Wendy House",site started 2012 when we bought our Autosleeper
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Highlighted here are some of the Travel Blog 's that are available on the site if you want to see all available blogs click on the Travel BLOG tab, we also feature a lot of hints and tips for motorhomers as well as our big trips away in hired motorhomes, else just click on each of the travel blog write-ups below, you can tab through them at your leisure, thanks for looking. The image shown here on every travel blog site page background is of Wagtail Country Park #recommended
Welcome to motorhome-travels.co.uk a travel blog for motorhoming, recreational vehicle and campervan enthusiast. We are a member of motorhome travel blog blogger UK group. We show all our motorhome trips in our lovely auto sleeper VW campervan (whom we have nick named Wendy after a Wendy house for obvious reasons). Each of our motorhome travel blog trips are pictorially represented via an extensive set of slideshows plus some videos and we write about each and every one of them in the travel blog. You can use our index page(s) to peruse them and then chose one you are interested in or if you prefer use the Site Search to look for a particular topic or word you may be interested in or use the A-Z Index to find things alphabetically, the choice is yours. Besides talking about our numerous travels we also have a selection of travel blogs to help other "homers" with hints and tips and suggestions to maybe stop you having to experience first hand some of the pitfalls we have experienced. Forewarned is fore armed!. We also have a selection of our major travels featured on our other holiday travel blog websites and you can select them from the images below just by clicking on the images. We have a social page where you can hook up with us on all the social media sites. You can also go to our You Tube channel or use the Playlists to see an extensive set of motorhome travel photo slideshows & videos. Please leave us feedback, many thanks Keef & Annie at motorhome-travel blog, Note each Blog tells you how long it will take to read All our travel blog show average read times, comments, views and the year written. You can also search by year, month or tag (keyword). Enjoy
Our Big Motorhome Travel Blog Holidays
CONTACT keef.hellinger@ntlworld.com +44 07843962729
NOTE Our travel blog site covers motor homing in Europe, motorhoming in the UK and motor homing in other parts
of the world, especially the Antipodes .Want to read the latest AUTO-SLEEPER Club site newsletter?
Click HERE, thanks
Site Created by KeefH Web Designs, Sandiacre, Derbyshire, UK
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Maybe use these. Either very cheap or free. Similar to the French Aires book. The Brit stops guide is a professional publication and a lot of effort has gone into making it easy to use. Great Britain is divided into 9 areas: Southwest England, Southeast England, East Anglia, Wales, West Midlands, East Midlands, Northwest England, Northeast England, Scotland. The island of Ireland / Eire is divided into 4 areas: Ulster, Leinster, Munster, Connacht. Each section starts with a clear map showing the approximate location of each of the stopovers. Stopovers are listed four to a page, with clear symbols indicating the number of places, whether large motorhomes are accepted, any facilities available such as water or waste disposal, etc. The address, post code and phone number of each location is given, there is a paragraph of information about the hosts, and clear directions to the location. Another great travel blog idea.
To go to their site please click HERE Its £32 per annum P&P, use it twice and you have covered the cost. Just taken over by Holland Hosts.
Maybe use these. Very useful and cheap within Europe (as and when post Covid we can travel) There are a few in the UK, mostly in the south around the coast, we have used quite a few. The book, map and additional ACSI members card help. That card in Europe can be left as security when booking into the site rather than leaving your somewhat precious Passport, just a thought. Roughly €14 per annum and €4 for the card. Another great travel blog idea.
To go to their site please click HERE
Maybe use these. Very plentiful and of a consistent good standard within the UK, split between main sites and Certified Locations (CL) where upto 5 pitches are available per field, often in farmers fields but not exclusively so. Main sites ae generally about £28 per night for 2 and a van, CLs much much cheaper. You get a book and a map, we have stayed in loads. Love them, wish there were more, indeed friends of ours are wardens. PS they own the Alan Rogers guides. Another great travel blog idea.
To go to their site please click HERE
AIRES (Europe)
Maybe use these. Good night stops of various sizes, quantity and quality. A great place for Motorhomers to get these is Vicarious Books here in the UK, based in Kent and very nice helpful people. Another great travel blog idea.
To go to their site please click HERE
You may like these, "Adult Only" and quiet and peaceful. There is a book listing each of these parks (some of which cross over with those types of campsites already listed but not all. Often the are also in the Best of British Book. We have stayed at quite a few and never had any issues. Depends what you want, peace and quiet or a rave. Another great travel blog idea. If you wish to see some more detail go to our Blog 196 and look at the Plough Lane site, thanks
To go to their site please click HERE
Don't believe they have many campsites (mostly cottages) but we have stayed at the Houghton Mill one and very nice it was to. Just an extra idea. Guaranteed to be lovely settings. Another great travel blog idea.
To go to their site please click HERE
We aren't members but have stayed at quite a few. The friendly club. Often there is a shared responsibility with the Caravan and Motorhome club. I note when name-dropping that Julia Bradbury is President. Another great travel blog idea.
To go to their site please click HERE
All our travel blog content held here on the site, especially the travel blog on the Blog pages which by December 2022 were over 200 recounts our travel blog fun.
We are collecting their loyalty stamps, 12 equals 1 free nights camping, and they are very classy sites and somewhat cheaper than the C&MC sites currently... £34 per night average as opposed to £43+ per night. Location wise they are near the Welsh borders so ideal if you are in that area. We would highly recommend so far we have stayed at the Ludlow one (twice) , Bridgenorth and Shrewsbury and are planning on staying at the others.
To go to their site please click HERE.
Some Site we stayed at on travels
Our Featured Blogs

Motorhome definition for Travel Blog
Motorhome noun.
1.a motor vehicle built on a van, truck or bus chassis and designed to serve as self-contained living quarters for recreational travel.
2.a van or truck like vehicle outfitted as living quarters for camping or extended motor trips
3.a motorized wheeled vehicle used for camping or other recreational activities
4.a camper equipped with living quarters
5.a campervan (or camper van), sometimes referred to as a camper, or a caravanette, is a self-propelled vehicle that provides both transport and sleeping accommodation. The term mainly describes vans
6.a recreational vehicle (RV) used to house its occupants on extended road trips
7.can some times be what is called a 5th wheeler attached to a ute (utility vehicle)
8.sometimes known as a motor caravan used for domestic recreation
9.a vehicle with the physical characteristics of a caravan (it provides living accommodation), and the visual characteristics of a commercial vehicle (size, colour, make, and model)
RELAUNCH - Official Migration from Moonfruit Dec 2021 of our Travel Blog
Since being forced by a company level decision by Yell who own both Moonfruit & WIX to recreate my motorhome travel blog (both .co.uk & .net versions of motorhome-travels) as Moonfruit is closed (7/12/21) as a business and the old travel blog editor is no more I have taken the opportunity to both rebuild my motorhome-travels travel blog site using the significantly improved functionality of travel blog on WIX and merge the 2 disparate parts of my old travel blog into one.
I have also used this opportunity to rework my separate BIG TRIP travel blog holiday sites , namely HOLIDAY 2007-8 travel blog, HOLIDAY 2010 travel blog, HOLIDAY 2013 travel blog & HOLIDAY 2017 travel blog by recreating them as travel Blog with Menu's and incorporating them into this site as well as remaking them. You can see all of these HERE, but principally its Blog 162 - 168 . If you would like to see those full reworked travel blog sites in full see the trailer.
Motorhome Travel Blog - we love you visitors
Travel blog big trip timelines, use either of these travel blog timelines to go to any of the associated travel blog details. Its easy to use and travel blog timelines give a great visual on all our big trip travel blog experiences.