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Blog 180 Wow Trips in Our Motorhome over 10 Years - 49 Trips / Almost 35k Miles

Writer's picture: Keef HellingerKeef Hellinger

by keef & annie hellinger 6 May 2022, 5.53 a.m.



You know what I'm like with numbers, just can't help myself, got 'em running around in my head #insomnia #upearly

So I thought I would spreadsheet (is that a verb?) 😉the trips we have made so far in our lovely Volkswagen Autosleeper Clubman Anniversary motorhome in the 10 years we have had it. We will of course be keeping it forever despite the many offers we have had, all exceeding the money we paid for it. Indeed two guys (somewhat dodgy in my humble opinion but what am I like at judging character? ) called yesterday asking if I want to sell... I didn't quite say "go forth and multiply" 😉 but I was close. That makes 4 people this month who have tried to make a doorstep purchase. It's in our very humble opinion a classic.

Motorhomes as I keep saying partly because of the pandemic are in much demand at the moment. Also I suggest upping your security, that demand level means it like trading in the black diamonds market! #hintsandtips

Security cameras, steering locks, both wheel and gear lever, level 1 alarm systems, i've even now got a motorbike chain (seriously heavy) around the drivers seat and the steering wheel, locking the seat forward and unmovable so even if broken into it would be serious hard to drive without I guess resorting to an industrial angle grinder, which hopefully we or someone else would hear whatever time of the day or night. Anyhow I'm just saying you can't be too careful of your prized motorhome #secirityhints


Whilst constructing this table of all our trips in the Wendy House motorhome I noted down the mileage just so I could tot it up, so far. The total so far is 34,958 miles on those 49 trips, that is the distance from our home to Sydney Australia, back home again and THEN back to Sydney, Australia. WOW is all I can say, that is some distance and so far, touch wood, we have only replaced all 4 tyres once in those 10 years, they are expensive but serve us well.

table image of motorhome-travels blog trips mileage
Trips and Mileage, As at 6 May 2022

If you wish to read a particular Blog associated with a trip featured in this table please click HERE.


I have also constructed a new page on the website which shows all of the detail about these trips in much more detail, why not have a look. Click HERE

Thanks for looking



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