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Writer's pictureKeef Hellinger

Blog 203 - 3rd trip to New Lodge Farm, Bulwick, A travel blog of fun with friends

Updated: Aug 12

Travel Blog created by KeefH Web Designs , August 6th, 2024, 14.09 PM

Motorhome trip No59: 25th-28th July 2024

Travel blog summary

NOTTS-> New Lodge Farm, Bulwick, Northamptonshire -> NOTTS 160 miles

This was out 3rd time at this wonderful campsite with our pals Pete & Joy and we were treated to potentially the best weather we have had over the many years of camping with them, who could ask for more, potentially better than the early 90s at Glastonbury when we had a heat surge and had to douse ourselves with water pistols, hey those were the days.

If you want to see and read up on our 2 previous visits to New Lodge Farm scroll to the end of the blog and select either trip 1 (Blog 108) or trip 2 (Blog 156) thanks for looking

Anyhow lots of sitting out in the sun, reading, drinking and chatting. Because of Annie's knee this year we were somewhat restricted in our movements.

If you prefer to listen to the audiobook of this blog listen here

new lodge farm bulwick image of pals in cafe by KeefH Web Designs
lunch in the newly expanded restaurant and bar

Have a read through our travel blog , look at the images and slideshow, we would whole heartedly recommend this site for adults only. #recommended

Keef and Annie didn't leave until after their dentist appointment, you can't miss those or nowadays on the NHS you would probably be struck off #haha Bit of a torturous journey I'm afraid due to accidents and road works en-route. Apologised for our late arrival, Pete and Joy were making use of the reworked cafe / bar / shop / restaurant here on site. A bit of a change for the last time we came, and all the better for it.

After setup we joined our pals in the bar for some refreshments and an initial catch up. Joy looked well after herb knee op. She kindly gave Annie both advise and accessories for her impending op, its always nice to know someone has been thru it all before and learn from them.

We tried a game of spot the difference with both the trad van they use for both advertising and collecting the rubbish. Interestingly one of the wardens uses a Segway to get around, what a great idea.

image of VW shorten van by kHWD
the lovely site van, VW of course to match ours

We think but can't remember that the water pump had an old wooden barrel pond with water lilies last time, I have checked and it did but they are much more mature now and looked lovely with flowers fully out #flowerfun

Joy cooked a lovely meal in the evening followed by apple strudel, cream and a third course of cheese and bikkies. After chatting for bit it was clear everyone was tired so we all retired to bed.

The next morning Joy cooked us all her lovely scrambled eggs and smoked salmon #yummy The sun was shining so we all sat out *** ( chatting, reading, drinking , whatever ) *delete as appropriate #smile

After our alfresco lunch we carried on as before relaxing and loving the chill out factor. We all got ready for our pre booked meal in the site restaurant, which was lovely. Pete and I have steak on a hot stone, what a clever idea, steak from the farm which you got to choose from the lady who bought you a choice of 4, the stone was at 400 degrees F , and after her showing you a first "turnover" you were left to cook your steak yourself to exactly how you wanted to. A great idea to rule out the usual variations when you say "medium to well done" etc. etc. #hintsandtips

The ladies had what looked like a very nice beef lasagna and garlic bread. We all had puds and then retired to Pete and Joy's van to carry on the merriment after a brief sunset stroll around the site to stretch our legs. Again we retired early-ish , now we have some combined 280 years around the table we (ok I especially) #haha don't have the drinking credential I used to have.

glamping image with sun shining thru by KHWD
from our sunset stroll around the site

It is worth noting that whilst the site was fairly empty on the Thursday it had well and truly filled up for the weekend with motorhomes, caravans and tent of every variety, what a lovely relaxed picture, camping is many folks "happy place"

new lodge farm campsite , bulwick panorama by KHWD
new lodge farm campsite , bulwick panorama

Saturday we started the day with tea outside in the sunshine on our camping table and chairs, what a great start to any day. Keef then cooked bacon sarnies, via Pete's vans electrical outlet plug, wish we had one, what a great idea. Only necessary a Keef had foolishly taken his extension lead out of our van (now remedied) l so love cooking outside on both the teppanyaki and our 2 ring electrical stove. Saves on the gas as we always say, you are paying for the electrics anyhow #hintsandtips clearly though only a solution when the weather is fine although i did cook outside in the Faroes with a Icelandic hat, gloves and a blanket but that was possibly the exception to the rule #smile

After brekkie Pete and Joy walked into Bulwick and the new cafe there, we stayed behind and enjoyed the sun, reading and relaxing #heaven We then all met up for a snack lunch and more story telling, drinking etc. etc. before Keef cooked tea outside. A little hounded by the odd light shower. We had lamb chops, sausages, mash and veg followed by strawberries, raspberries with ice cream all bought from the farm stall (fruit and veg setup Sundays) and cherries / cheese and bikkies all washed down with a variety of drinks.

PS we cant recommend their vanilla ice cream, it felt like eating cold semolina, all very odd but the fruit was ace.

After our evening meal we played travel trivial pursuit. Boys Vs Girls, it was fittingly a draw when we all called it a day.

Sunday we both packed up early ready to go, unfortunately our van wouldn't start. Pete saved our bacon with his charging gadget and so all got hope safely.

UPDATE had the battery replaced at Quick Fit today (6/8/24) a bit of a specialist battery so not straight forward BUT and here is the but the guy said it was the original VW battery put in in Germany so i reckon that means it was 21 years old, amazing that must be some sort of record.

Here is a slideshow of our fun, cheers pals and here is to the next one. Love K&A xxx


That's all folks!!!!


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